Trademarks and Credits


Priacta’s Trademarks

PRIACTA, TRO, TROG, TOTAL RELAXED, TOTAL RELAXED ORGANIZATION, HANDS-OFF LEADERSHIP, NEVERBOSS, WHO’S IN CHARGE HERE?, the 14-hour clock, the four-color interleaved diamond, and the relaxed hierarchy symbol are trademarks or registered trademarks of Priacta, Inc.

Third Party Trademarks

GTD and Getting Things Done are registered trademarks of David Allen and Co. The Seven Habits is a trademark or registered trademark of Franklin Covey Co. Take Back Your Life is a registered trademark of McGhee Productivity Solutions, Inc. Other product names are or may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders

No Endorsement or Affiliation

Priacta, Inc. is not affiliated with or endorsed by David Allen and Co., Franklin Covey Co., McGhee Productivity Solutions, Inc., or any other company referred to herein.