Actual Average Results For All TRO Trainees Worldwide

Near “absolute control” of time and tasks (91% and rising)
An extra 1.6 hours/day of productive time
Stress reduced by 60% from all sources combined
(That’s nearly 600 extra productive hours per year, per person. Three MONTHS.)
How It’s Measured
The graph above is updated hourly for all TRO trainees**. Each day for 21 days after training we ask:
“How in control of your time and tasks do you feel right now?”
(0 = No Control, 100 = Absolute Control)
This answer is their “control score”—a powerfully simple measure of stress reduction, productivity, and workload control, all in one. How would you answer that question right now? How in control of your time and tasks do you feel?
Starting Control Scores
Before starting TRO training, the average starting control score is 44.1%.
The Change with TRO Training
On average, by the end of initial training, a trainee’s control score has improved 45%.
Then as we follow up for 21 working days, the average score continues to improve, with a total average improvement of 106%
In the final three days of follow up (days 18 through 21), the average control score jumps 2.5 points. That’s an additional increase of 5.7% over the base score as the last piles are eliminated and new skills become second-nature.
How Long Does the Change Last?
Subjective data confirms that the benefits “stick,” though no formal tracking is currently performed beyond the 21 days. We receive “thank yous” and testimonials from trainees many months after training. Not only does TRO show you how to anchor good habits, but it teaches you in a relaxing way. The training is self-reinforcing and easily maintained. “Relapses” are no big deal—recovery is easy—because the new basic habits and perspectives remain in place.

Get Started Now
If you’re a busy executive or professional, a Priacta coach is probably more cost-effective due to the value of your time.
If you have time to train yourself, dive into our online self-training system. Click at the right or email a coach for expert advice. Your initial consultation is free.
*Additional productive hours and stress reduction are averages of all trainee reports since February 2009, when Priacta started tracking these figures.
60-Day Total Satisfaction Guarantee
TRO works. We know it, thousands know it, we can prove it, but we want you to FEEL it.
You can see details about our guarantee here.