Total Relaxed Organization: Online Training System

Custom Online Time Management Training

Customized to Your Needs

Total, Relaxed Organization (TRO) time management training puts you in relaxed control of your life.

TRO starts with step-by-step instructions and follows up automatically until your new habits stick.

No guesswork. Customize your training for your favorite task manager, smartphone, calendar and email!

Get Relaxed Control

Get relaxed control of everything in your life—all the tasks, papers, emails, appointments, messages, and alerts.

TRO combines key principles from David Allen’s Getting Things Done (GTD), Covey’s Seven Habits, and more. But TRO is optimized, far easier, and more powerful.

  • Dusty Prentiss

    Beyond Productivity

    “Kevin is a great coach. When it comes to productivity and techniques, Kevin is the expert. I have improved my personal productivity significantly since working with Kevin. He even went beyond productivity to help with some political concerns at my company. I would greatly recommend Kevin.”

  • Rob Peters

    Benefits Far Exceeded Cost and Expectations

    “Kevin has made a difference to me with his deep knowledge of personal productivity and workflow. I have been working with GTD since 2002. Since being coached on Total Relaxed Organization (TRO), Kevin has taken me to a very high level of relaxed productivity in just 23 days. I REALLY Trust my system today. I trust both the process and the reliance on information technology tools. I highly recommend Kevin and TRO for the business executive who wants to succeed with the challenges of business and the opportunities in life. BTW - The benefits have by far exceeded the cost and my expectations. Thank you Kevin!”

  • David Nemitz


    “TRO is a personally effective system.”

  • Sarah Kalicki-Nakamura

    TRO was a Life Changing Process for Me

    “Kevin was the first person to make time management work for me. He showed me that it was more than just cleaning your office. It is a system using technology. Priacta's TRO was a life changing process for me. I have never looked at task management the same again. If you are feeling overwhelmed by your work, call Priacta!”

  • Dan Kern

    Major Increase in Productivity, Major Decrease in Stress

    “Thank you for helping me re-gain control of my business/personal life.... [In the] 10 days since we started, I am seeing a major increase in productivity and a major decrease in stress! Gracias!”

  • Steven Leininger

    Transformation Has Been Magnificent

    “I first hired Kevin Crenshaw as a business coach for me personally. The results were so profound that my partners were asking what happened to me. Then we hired Kevin as a facilitator for our firm's retreat. We were so happy with the results that we hired him as our contract COO. The transformation has been magnificent.”

  • Jordan McCollum

    Highest Recommendation, Life Changing

    “I give my highest recommendation for Kevin Crenshaw.... He deeply understands process, leadership, responsible delegation, and day-to-day pitfalls that keep a manager from performing at their highest level. His advice and systems are, quite literally, life changing. Since I hired him, I am substantially more efficient in managing and delegating tasks, have a holistic top down view of what I am choosing to work on (and why), and feel relaxed and on top of things.”

  • Mar Ruiz

    I Definitely Recommend TRO!

    “I definitely recommend TRO! I feel much more in control, and I am doing more things that I always wanted to do but didn't have the time.... Very useful for working women who have to handle their professional work and a big part of the house chores and kids.... Thanks for your great coaching, support, and system!”

  • Eric Benson

    Transformed a School—Results Were Miraculous

    “I hired Kevin Crenshaw as a professional organization, time-management, and productivity coach while working as the Director of Education for a small private school for troubled teen boys. The challenges we faced were great. The challenges of running an education program are overwhelming enough. Throw in 30 to 40 openly disrespectful teenage boys and it can seem impossible.Immediately after each coaching session with Kevin, we implemented his suggestions. The results were miraculous. Through the direct implementation of Kevin's advice, we were able to transform our school from a non-accredited program that used paper correspondence courses as our main curriculum to a fully networked computer and internet based school system accredited through the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. I cannot express enough the impact Kevin had on our ability to achieve these lofty goals. The accreditation process took almost two years. It would have been impossible to achieve without the implementation of the techniques I learned from Kevin. He may now know the indirect impact he had on my student's lives, but impact them he did. He helped us structure the foundation upon which we build our school system. He changed the way we organized our projects, choose which tasks to complete each day, and even how we communicated with each other. I am forever grateful to Kevin for the work he has done. I hope to continue to learn from his expertise well into the future. Thank you for all you've done Kevin. Thank you.”

  • Roy Lambertson

    Remarkably Comprehensive, Coaching Is Very Effective

    “A remarkably comprehensive time management approach. Priacta's coaching is very effective, and they aren't satisfied until the client is. I'm sure we will enjoy the benefits of TRO training for years to come.”

Get Total, Relaxed Relief Now

Currently, you can get TRO Online Training risk-free for just $99.95. Our 60 Day, Total Satisfaction, Money-Back Guarantee means you can see for yourself without risking a cent.

Designed for Your Favorite Productivity Tools

Master the Key Principles from GTD, Covey & More

TRO unifies and improves on the best concepts and methods from David Allen’s Getting Things Done, Covey’s Seven Habits, and other great systems in a simple, seamless approach.

Customize for Your Smartphone and Desktop Task List

Pick your smartphone, task list, calendar, email and get detailed, step-by-step instructions for your choice of tools.

Ensure Habits with 21-Day Follow-up Accountability

Built-in 21-day follow-up helps ensure natural, long-lasting habits. Includes daily milestones, quick progress reports, and brush-up tips.

Eliminate Piles

Clean and organize your office quickly—and keep it that way naturally.

Delegate and Follow Up Stress-Free

Learn to delegate with confidence. You’ll discover how to follow up and set  flexible agendas with confidence, stress-free.

Learn as You Work

The training dives right in, so you feel relief immediately. Plus, you learn using your actual work, so you get a lot of work done as you train.

Stay In Control Easily

Stay on target in 5 minutes per day. Handle email flash floods without flinching. Eliminate hour-long weekly reviews. Stop scanning long lists of tasks.

Balance Your Life

Clear time for family and other priorities without stressing over today’s work responsibilities.

Rely on Professional Coach Backup

You’re never on your own. Start with a free consultation. Then a seasoned time management coach stands ready to help. Upgrade to full coaching anytime for full relief with zero uncertainty.

60 Day, Total Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee

See, feel, and experience the benefits without risking a dime.

Eliminate Worrying

Get everything off your mind. Your new system will remind you of what’s important, when it’s important. Until then, you can forget about it.

Much More….

Automatically identify and focus on your most profitable activities, manage interruptions, establish long-term plans to reach your goals, and a whole lot more.

Precise Training for More Than 3000 TRO and GTD Tool Combinations

Don’t Waste Hours or Days Guessing

We test and experiment so you can get real work done instead. TRO Productivity Training customizes itself for your tools so you learn the best way to manage your workflow, right from the start. It steps you past the pitfalls of synchronization, tool setup, customization, add-on apps, and more.

Supported TRO and GTD Productivity Tools

We currently support all reasonable combinations of the following (and even more via remote coaching). We’re adding more all the time.

Supported Task Lists

  • Trello [Windows, Mac, Linux, iPhone, Android, Smartphone; browser-based] (Free or Paid)
  • MS Planner [Windows, Mac, Linux, iPhone, Android, Smartphone; browser-based] (Paid)
  • Omnifocus [Mac, iPhone, iPad] (Paid)
  • Toodledo [Windows, Mac, Linux, iPhone, Android, Smartphone; browser-based] (Paid)
  • Todoist [Windows, Mac, iPhone, Android, Smartphone; browser-based] (Paid)
  • Microsoft Outlook 2007/2010+ [Windows, Mac w/Virtual PC]
  • GQueues [Windows, Mac, Linux, iPhone, Android, Smartphone; browser-based] (Lite or Paid)
  • Assembla Tickets for Teams [Windows, Mac, Linux, iPhone, Android, Smartphone; browser-based] (Paid)
  • Nozbe by ApiVision [Windows, Mac, Linux, iPhone, iPad, Android; Web] (Paid)
  • Wrike [Windows, Mac, Linux, iPhone, Android, Smartphone; browser-based] (Paid)
  • Remember the Milk [Windows, Mac, Linux, iPhone, Android, Smartphone; browser/offline] (Free or Paid)
  • ToDoList [Windows; USB drive compatible] (Free, open source)
  • Paper Planners [Day Timer, Franklin Covey, David Allen GTD, others]
  • Things [Mac, iPhone] (Paid)
  • All Other TRO-capable task lists. Contact us for recommendations.

    *Training for this application is provided as a fully-tested work-in-progress or outline; click the hyperlink for details.

    Supported Smart Phones and Mobile Devices, Including Paper Planners

    • iPhone
    • iPad
    • iPod Touch
    • Android
    • Windows Mobile [Including Exchange Server]
    • Paper Planners [Day Timer, Franklin Covey, David Allen GTD, others]
    • Paper Printouts [Supplement your electronic task lists with mobile paper lists]
    • Other/Generic Smartphone/Mobile [Any other smart phone or tablet not listed here]
    • None [Instructions for TRO without a mobile solution]

    Supported Calendars

    • Microsoft Outlook [Windows, Mac w/Virtual PC]
    • Google Calendar [Windows, Mac, Linux, iPhone, Smartphone]
    • Thunderbird Lightning Calendar [Windows]
    • Paper Calendar [Any portable paper calendar, including planner calendars]
    • Paper Planners [Day Timer, Franklin Covey, David Allen GTD, others]
    • Other/Generic [Any other electronic calendar]

    Supported Email Clients

    • Microsoft Outlook [Windows, Mac w/Virtual PC]
    • Gmail [Windows, Mac, Linux, iPhone, Smartphone; browser-based with offline support]
    • Mozilla Thunderbird [Windows, Mac, Linux]
    • Other Web Email [Web]
    • Other/Generic [Any other email client]

    60-Day Total Satisfaction Guarantee

    TRO works. We know it, thousands know it, we can prove it, but we want you to FEEL it.