Changed the Way I Work
“TRO Online Training changed the way I work, and almost three months later, I'm still using the techniques that I learned. The course is based on Getting Things Done.... Well organized and clearly written....”
Excel Expert
Completely Turned Things Around, Ready to Take on the World
“Kevin was an amazing guy to work with. He walked into the business I was working for, and instantly took initiative. He welcomed all questions, and offered all the support that is needed from a CEO. He not only stayed professional, but would lighten the mood for anyone when we thought we just couldn't go on, and encouraged everyone to be work at their highest potential. By the time Kevin left, he completely turned things around, and left us all with great hope that we were ready to take on the world. I would be not only overjoyed to work with Kevin again, but it would be an honor.”
Admission Coordinator, New Law Business Model
Accomplishing More with the Same Workload
“My workload hasn't changed but my attitude and control over it has. I can delegate more effectively, step away from tasks that don't support my most important goals, and "bank" (S/M) tasks that I'd like to keep on the radar but aren't immediately important.The largest impact is the strategic calendar—it's like a well-organized closet with 168 compartments. It's now very obvious what will get done and what won't, and therefore I can organize and re-organize my time as situations change to constantly ensure the most important tasks are accomplished (personally and professionally)!It's a constant reminder of my promises to myself and so easy to keep those promises where before things weren't even getting done, let alone done inline with what was important. Hence... I'm accomplishing more with the same workload I had before I took the training!”
Advisor, Sun Life Financial
Remarkably Comprehensive, Coaching Is Very Effective
“A remarkably comprehensive time management approach. Priacta's coaching is very effective, and they aren't satisfied until the client is. I'm sure we will enjoy the benefits of TRO training for years to come.”
CEO, More Than Moving for Seniors
Excellent Product in TRO
“Kevin and the entire Priacta team provide an excellent product in TRO. It is well thought out with extras I didn't know I needed until I used them. Kevin and his team are very pleasant to work with and provide superlative customer service. Kevin stays with you until you are comfortable with the program and continues to be available for any and all questions. He is flexible, creative and personable. I have come to trust him, his work and the system he helped me create. I would recommend Kevin, the Priacta team and Total Relaxed Organization to any busy person or company!”
Manager, Specialized Moving at Dunmar Moving
A Total System You Can Depend On
“... a total system you can depend on and trust.... Thanks for giving me the help and encouragement to 'get things done' in a highly organized system.”
Owner, Dabney Orthodontics
“TRO is a personally effective system.”
Consultant at Conversant, LLC
Really Helped Me
“The TRO (Total, Relaxed Organization) Program has really helped me "Find 600 Extra Hours Per Year." I love it!”
Owner and CIO of Real Property Management Humboldt
Major Increase in Productivity, Major Decrease in Stress
“Thank you for helping me re-gain control of my business/personal life.... [In the] 10 days since we started, I am seeing a major increase in productivity and a major decrease in stress! Gracias!”
Business Development & Training Manager at Virginia Housing Development Authority
I Definitely Recommend TRO!
“I definitely recommend TRO! I feel much more in control, and I am doing more things that I always wanted to do but didn't have the time.... Very useful for working women who have to handle their professional work and a big part of the house chores and kids.... Thanks for your great coaching, support, and system!”
Marketing Mgr, Entrepreneur