What They're Saying

About TRO and Priacta

  • David Ackling-Jones

    The TRO Method is Brilliant

    “The TRO method is brilliant. It is the best online training website I ever came across. That was nearly a decade ago, and still it is unsurpassed in my experience.”

  • Jennifer Dudley

    Massive Change in a Short Time, in All the Right Directions

    “Kevin Crenshaw is by far the strongest leader I have ever worked under. Kevin has laser-quality clarity and is able to empower and inspire the team into action—the specific actions that produce high leverage results. In a short time Kevin has supported massive change in all the right directions within this organization. I have enjoyed the journey of working with Kevin, and now some months into our collaboration I can report that my satisfaction with my work is exponentially higher. There is a human foundation of respect and care combined with total inspiration to do great work and produce amazing results as a team. Kevin is a clear leader and is also an active part of the team with both sleeves rolled up, always with an eye toward results. I could not offer a higher recommendation. I feel lucky to work with Kevin and especially to work directly with him as he has proven to be a dynamic mentor for me at this stage in my career.”

  • Rob Peters

    Benefits Far Exceeded Cost and Expectations

    “Kevin has made a difference to me with his deep knowledge of personal productivity and workflow. I have been working with GTD since 2002. Since being coached on Total Relaxed Organization (TRO), Kevin has taken me to a very high level of relaxed productivity in just 23 days. I REALLY Trust my system today. I trust both the process and the reliance on information technology tools. I highly recommend Kevin and TRO for the business executive who wants to succeed with the challenges of business and the opportunities in life. BTW - The benefits have by far exceeded the cost and my expectations. Thank you Kevin!”

  • Debi Gilmore

    Thank you! Thank you!

    “I absolutely eat this stuff up! Since I use a Blackberry and Outlook, I was thrilled to see that [you] offer customized training based on those tools.... It’s an amazing approach to gaining organization skills. Thank you! Thank you!”

  • Larry Pacheco, Jr.

    The Missing Link

    “The missing link and strategy I needed to organize my business. Very simple to use.”

  • Jordan McCollum

    Highest Recommendation, Life Changing

    “I give my highest recommendation for Kevin Crenshaw.... He deeply understands process, leadership, responsible delegation, and day-to-day pitfalls that keep a manager from performing at their highest level. His advice and systems are, quite literally, life changing. Since I hired him, I am substantially more efficient in managing and delegating tasks, have a holistic top down view of what I am choosing to work on (and why), and feel relaxed and on top of things.”

  • Tim Cali

    Expert in GTD Methods/Principles

    “Kevin really knows his stuff! If you are looking for an expert in with regards to "getting things done" or GTD methods/principles Kevin is your guy. I highly recommend Kevin and the TRO total relaxed organization task management solution. He is a great coach and teacher and has the patience of a Saint.”

  • Tahmi DeSchepper


    “It really is empowering to end the day with all of the tasks done, and not having that "what have I missed??" feeling hanging over my head. I think I could get to like this!”

  • Julie Urban


    “I am amazed at end of day that I finished my daily tasks and even have time to do one or two others at times or do some extra processing. Thanks!”

  • Roy Lambertson

    Remarkably Comprehensive, Coaching Is Very Effective

    “A remarkably comprehensive time management approach. Priacta's coaching is very effective, and they aren't satisfied until the client is. I'm sure we will enjoy the benefits of TRO training for years to come.”