Radically-Effective Productivity

For Leaders and Teams; Fast and Guaranteed.

Reclaim 600 hours per person per year.
Stop the stress & confusion.
Build teams that get it right.
Supercharge meetings overnight.

What would help you most, right now?

Balancing Workload

Feel relaxed control in only 7 hours! (These are typical result)

Reclaim up to 600 hours a year with guided  remote training from a TRO Coach.

Managing Workflow

Get help analyzing and redesigning your workflow to meet your needs.

We find the smallest, smartest changes with the biggest, most immediate impact.

Growing Leaders

Never be tempted to micromanage again! 

Unleash your inner leader and discover how to cultivate self-motivated leaders in your team or company.

 Gain control of your time and tasks. Permanently.

Exciting, fun, using your current workload.


Manage large task loads without breaking a sweat and without missing deadlines, Look like an organizational superstar and enjoy more time  whatever brings you joy. You’ll be amazed at how much lighter and in control you feel after just one day!

  • Tena Matta

    A Sound Investment

    “An entirely new way of dealing with your life and work. I engaged Kevin Crenshaw as an Executive Coach, which is where he really shines. He helped me through some truly rough professional situations and I continue to engage him now. I really feel that most executives can benefit from having someone help them see from "outside" and throw some (sometimes tough) reality in there. I highly recommend Kevin as a sound investment in your career.”

  • Rob Peters

    Benefits Far Exceeded Cost and Expectations

    “Kevin has made a difference to me with his deep knowledge of personal productivity and workflow. I have been working with GTD since 2002. Since being coached on Total Relaxed Organization (TRO), Kevin has taken me to a very high level of relaxed productivity in just 23 days. I REALLY Trust my system today. I trust both the process and the reliance on information technology tools. I highly recommend Kevin and TRO for the business executive who wants to succeed with the challenges of business and the opportunities in life. BTW - The benefits have by far exceeded the cost and my expectations. Thank you Kevin!”

  • Shana Bursi

    Eliminated My Stress

    “My stress level ... was quite high. TRO has eliminated that stress and given me a way to achieve my goals at work and at home.”

  • Brett Martinson

    Accomplishing More with the Same Workload

    “My workload hasn't changed but my attitude and control over it has. I can delegate more effectively, step away from tasks that don't support my most important goals, and "bank" (S/M) tasks that I'd like to keep on the radar but aren't immediately important.The largest impact is the strategic calendar—it's like a well-organized closet with 168 compartments. It's now very obvious what will get done and what won't, and therefore I can organize and re-organize my time as situations change to constantly ensure the most important tasks are accomplished (personally and professionally)!It's a constant reminder of my promises to myself and so easy to keep those promises where before things weren't even getting done, let alone done inline with what was important. Hence... I'm accomplishing more with the same workload I had before I took the training!”

  • Eric Benson

    Transformed a School—Results Were Miraculous

    “I hired Kevin Crenshaw as a professional organization, time-management, and productivity coach while working as the Director of Education for a small private school for troubled teen boys. The challenges we faced were great. The challenges of running an education program are overwhelming enough. Throw in 30 to 40 openly disrespectful teenage boys and it can seem impossible.Immediately after each coaching session with Kevin, we implemented his suggestions. The results were miraculous. Through the direct implementation of Kevin's advice, we were able to transform our school from a non-accredited program that used paper correspondence courses as our main curriculum to a fully networked computer and internet based school system accredited through the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. I cannot express enough the impact Kevin had on our ability to achieve these lofty goals. The accreditation process took almost two years. It would have been impossible to achieve without the implementation of the techniques I learned from Kevin. He may now know the indirect impact he had on my student's lives, but impact them he did. He helped us structure the foundation upon which we build our school system. He changed the way we organized our projects, choose which tasks to complete each day, and even how we communicated with each other. I am forever grateful to Kevin for the work he has done. I hope to continue to learn from his expertise well into the future. Thank you for all you've done Kevin. Thank you.”

  • Sarah Kalicki-Nakamura

    TRO was a Life Changing Process for Me

    “Kevin was the first person to make time management work for me. He showed me that it was more than just cleaning your office. It is a system using technology. Priacta's TRO was a life changing process for me. I have never looked at task management the same again. If you are feeling overwhelmed by your work, call Priacta!”

  • Dave Jordan

    Great Way to Juggle a Lot

    “It's a great way to juggle a lot of things without having to keep them all in your mind. It also helps if you have complex work relationships where you need to delegate and follow up with a lot of people, or report to several different people.”

  • Debra Dalgleish

    Changed the Way I Work

    “TRO Online Training changed the way I work, and almost three months later, I'm still using the techniques that I learned. The course is based on Getting Things Done.... Well organized and clearly written....”

  • Darus Trutna

    Really Helped Me

    “The TRO (Total, Relaxed Organization) Program has really helped me "Find 600 Extra Hours Per Year." I love it!”

  • Lindsay Dowling

    Feel More in Control of My Work and Personal Life

    “At first I was skeptical, but this course has really made me feel more in control of my work and personal life. Now I am never late for meetings and get more work done in a shorter period of time”

How can TRO help you reclaim up to 600 hours per year per person?

What would you do with 600 extra hours?

Feel the difference or your money back. Guaranteed.

TRO and NEVERBOSS Hands-Off Leadership are radically-effective and life-changing. They’ll take you and your teams to the next level, fast. We know it, thousands know it, we can prove it, but we want you to FEEL it for yourself. Call us now for advice on where to start. Details of our guarantees are found here.