Radically-Effective Productivity

For Leaders and Teams; Fast and Guaranteed.

Reclaim 600 hours per person per year.
Stop the stress & confusion.
Build teams that get it right.
Supercharge meetings overnight.

What would help you most, right now?

Balancing Workload

Feel relaxed control in only 7 hours! (These are typical result)

Reclaim up to 600 hours a year with guided  remote training from a TRO Coach.

Managing Workflow

Get help analyzing and redesigning your workflow to meet your needs.

We find the smallest, smartest changes with the biggest, most immediate impact.

Growing Leaders

Never be tempted to micromanage again! 

Unleash your inner leader and discover how to cultivate self-motivated leaders in your team or company.

 Gain control of your time and tasks. Permanently.

Exciting, fun, using your current workload.


Manage large task loads without breaking a sweat and without missing deadlines, Look like an organizational superstar and enjoy more time  whatever brings you joy. You’ll be amazed at how much lighter and in control you feel after just one day!

  • Alexis Neely

    Talk about a Turnaround Expert!

    “Talk about a turn-around expert! I've repeatedly gotten to the same point in each of my businesses, $1.5mm of revenue with a team that was pretty good, but was still dependent on me. I couldn't seem to break through.... Bringing in Kevin as CEO of the company was the game changer. Now, we are on track to at least double revenues this year and be ready for so much more in the future. Kevin has shown me what it means to be a true leader. Thank you Kevin.”

  • Jordan Beard

    Revolutionized the Way I Organize Everything I Do

    “Kevin is truly an organizational guru. He has single-handedly revolutionized the way I organize everything I do. I wear a lot of hats and it is not easy for me to keep everything going at the same time. Kevin's training allows me to focus entirely on any single task without worrying about everything looming over my head all the time. It keeps me from becoming otherwise completely overwhelmed to the point of being ineffective. I have used Kevin myself and have other employees and colleagues who are currently training with him. Thanks Kevin!”

  • Jennifer Dudley

    Massive Change in a Short Time, in All the Right Directions

    “Kevin Crenshaw is by far the strongest leader I have ever worked under. Kevin has laser-quality clarity and is able to empower and inspire the team into action—the specific actions that produce high leverage results. In a short time Kevin has supported massive change in all the right directions within this organization. I have enjoyed the journey of working with Kevin, and now some months into our collaboration I can report that my satisfaction with my work is exponentially higher. There is a human foundation of respect and care combined with total inspiration to do great work and produce amazing results as a team. Kevin is a clear leader and is also an active part of the team with both sleeves rolled up, always with an eye toward results. I could not offer a higher recommendation. I feel lucky to work with Kevin and especially to work directly with him as he has proven to be a dynamic mentor for me at this stage in my career.”

  • Bill Dabney

    A Total System You Can Depend On

    “... a total system you can depend on and trust.... Thanks for giving me the help and encouragement to 'get things done' in a highly organized system.”

  • Jim Phipps

    Cuts Through the Blather

    “Cuts through a whole mountain of time management consultant blather.”

  • Jordan McCollum

    Highest Recommendation, Life Changing

    “I give my highest recommendation for Kevin Crenshaw.... He deeply understands process, leadership, responsible delegation, and day-to-day pitfalls that keep a manager from performing at their highest level. His advice and systems are, quite literally, life changing. Since I hired him, I am substantially more efficient in managing and delegating tasks, have a holistic top down view of what I am choosing to work on (and why), and feel relaxed and on top of things.”

  • Craig Kennedy

    Very Detailed, Excellent Experience

    “Very detailed follow up.... The structure ensured I followed through and cleared and organized all the decks rather than just enough to feel some momentary relief. Excellent experience overall!”

  • Dusty Prentiss

    Beyond Productivity

    “Kevin is a great coach. When it comes to productivity and techniques, Kevin is the expert. I have improved my personal productivity significantly since working with Kevin. He even went beyond productivity to help with some political concerns at my company. I would greatly recommend Kevin.”

  • Brett Martinson

    Accomplishing More with the Same Workload

    “My workload hasn't changed but my attitude and control over it has. I can delegate more effectively, step away from tasks that don't support my most important goals, and "bank" (S/M) tasks that I'd like to keep on the radar but aren't immediately important.The largest impact is the strategic calendar—it's like a well-organized closet with 168 compartments. It's now very obvious what will get done and what won't, and therefore I can organize and re-organize my time as situations change to constantly ensure the most important tasks are accomplished (personally and professionally)!It's a constant reminder of my promises to myself and so easy to keep those promises where before things weren't even getting done, let alone done inline with what was important. Hence... I'm accomplishing more with the same workload I had before I took the training!”

  • Tena Matta

    A Sound Investment

    “An entirely new way of dealing with your life and work. I engaged Kevin Crenshaw as an Executive Coach, which is where he really shines. He helped me through some truly rough professional situations and I continue to engage him now. I really feel that most executives can benefit from having someone help them see from "outside" and throw some (sometimes tough) reality in there. I highly recommend Kevin as a sound investment in your career.”

How can TRO help you reclaim up to 600 hours per year per person?

What would you do with 600 extra hours?

Feel the difference or your money back. Guaranteed.

TRO and NEVERBOSS Hands-Off Leadership are radically-effective and life-changing. They’ll take you and your teams to the next level, fast. We know it, thousands know it, we can prove it, but we want you to FEEL it for yourself. Call us now for advice on where to start. Details of our guarantees are found here.