Agile, Fast-Flex Meetings (As-You-Work Workshop)



Teams and organizations wanting rapid team empowerment, culture transformation, and meeting effectiveness. Suitable for on-site, virtual, and hybrid teams.



  • A dedicated business process analyst/coach.
  • Confidential interviewing of team lead and 2 other key members to assess needs, issues, constraints.
  • Assessment and recommendation of meeting support tools per your IT requirements..
  • Whole-team, pre-meeting training webinar to train the new tools, principles, and methods.
  • In-meeting coaching during your first two meetings.
  • Coach mentoring during your post-meeting wrap up for your first two meetings.
  • Weekly check-ins and course corrections for the first month as your new habits solidify (first 5 meetings for monthly meetings).
  • (Rarely, only if needed.) Options and quotes to address special personnel needs or challenges related to implementation. (Or address these yourself, your choice.)
  • Total Satisfaction, Money-Back Guarantee



Fast, Focused, Fun, Forever (in One Week)

Are your company meetings exciting? Astonishingly effective? Do you look forward to participating? Or do you look for excuses?

Priacta specializes in rapid change that transforms teams and lives with the least possible effort. In one week you can move your meetings from boring to brilliant, then watch your organization start to transform itself.

How We Do It

We teach you new, powerful meeting principles, empower team leaders to facilitate in radically new ways, introduce you to new software tools and new ways of engaging, and drill your team in their new methods. We do most of it during your actual meetings, so you change as you do your work.

The entire change takes about a week from start to finish for a single team, with as much coach follow-up as needed over a month to ensure permanent habits. Members of other teams can listen in and begin adopting the changes on their own, with mentoring from your charter team to reinforce and spread their new habits. Or our coaches can step in to transform them as well. You decide.

  • Team Leader Discovery and Training
    The transformation begins with a Priacta coach interviewing your team lead(s) by phone or webcam. We ask precise questions to assess your team’s unique needs. We also assess your team’s IT environment to recommend appropriate meeting support tools. Then we train your team leaders in the principles and skills behind agile, agendaless meetings so they are ready to facilitate brilliantly.
  • Team Training
    Next, your coach meets with the team via private webinar and trains them on the new approach and tools. All questions are answered and new tools set up during that session. The team feels excitement and hope as they grasp the benefits of the new meeting format, and they are anxious to begin.
  • First Agile Meeting
    Change starts now! The team immediately dives in to hold their first meeting using the new approach. You lead the team while the coach assists you. Your team tackles easy issues first, then jumps in to solve the most difficult problems you now face. As success unfolds, everyone feels exhilarated! The meeting ends on time, and people leave energized to continue working.
  • Post-Meeting Mentoring
    Right after your first success, you and your coach wrap things up. You are trained and guided through post-meeting steps, and you choose and train the person who will handle that in the future.
  • Second Agile Meeting
    The next time you meet (one week later in most cases), you repeat your prior successes and take it to the next level. You learn how to follow up effectively, and you solidify your new approach. Once you start down this path, your team will never want to go back!



You get:

  • A dedicated business analyst/coach.
  • A customized agile, agendaless meeting template you can use throughout your organization.
  • Coach-led training session with team leader(s).
  • Coach mentoring for meeting leader(s) and team(s) in two meetings.
  • (Rarely, if needed.) If additional personnel and team issues come to light during this process, you will receive recommendations for optional training services to implement a complete transformation. (Could include 1-1 coaching, training, employee turnaround, leader onboarding, consulting, or interim management services to address personnel issues for a complete transformation. Use us or do it yourself, you decide.)


Discuss With Us

Is this a change you want? Are weak meetings costing you and your company a fortune? Contact Priacta now to discuss. Together, you can quickly determine the full impact this might have on your organization.

  • Chris Elam

    Top of the Top

    “Since the first day I began working with Kevin Crenshaw, I have been thoroughly impressed by his depth of commitment and full command of his subject.... Kevin has made himself very available and has shown a remarkable degree of care and focus on my success. If you are looking for a true partner to kindly hold your feet to the fire and help you fully integrate both the fundamentals and nuances of profound behavior changing practices, Kevin is the top of the top.”

  • Steven Leininger

    Transformation Has Been Magnificent

    “I first hired Kevin Crenshaw as a business coach for me personally. The results were so profound that my partners were asking what happened to me. Then we hired Kevin as a facilitator for our firm's retreat. We were so happy with the results that we hired him as our contract COO. The transformation has been magnificent.”

  • Jim Phipps

    Cuts Through the Blather

    “Cuts through a whole mountain of time management consultant blather.”

  • Shana Bursi

    Eliminated My Stress

    “My stress level ... was quite high. TRO has eliminated that stress and given me a way to achieve my goals at work and at home.”

  • Kathleen Rhodes

    Control of Your Business AND Your Life

    “Kevin is an exceptionally talented and experienced business consultant who can help you gain control of your business AND your life. How? By teaching you precise principles, skills and habits to better manage your many tasks. But he does that by first, listening to you in order to understand the specifics of your business and then, imparting his expert advice. Best of all, his coaching programs come with 21 days of follow up, allowing you to permanently change your habits! (Technical assistance to make sure all your time-management devices work properly is included, too.)”

  • Meredith Eisenberg

    Used to Jump from Tool to Tool

    “I used to jump from tool to tool. But now I have learned that the system is much more important. I am getting more done and fewer things areslipping through the cracks.”

  • Dan Kern

    Major Increase in Productivity, Major Decrease in Stress

    “Thank you for helping me re-gain control of my business/personal life.... [In the] 10 days since we started, I am seeing a major increase in productivity and a major decrease in stress! Gracias!”

  • Eric Krwawecz

    A Reliable System to Purposefully Guide Your Every Action

    “During Kevin's coaching through Priacta he clearly laid out our goals to reach together and was extremely reliable when I would begin to fade from those goals. I would recommend his organizational training not only for those individuals or businesses that are entirely chaotic, like myself, but also for those people that are organized and yet struggle to keep it all together. He'll put in place a reliable system to purposefully guide your every action.”

  • Matt Wilson

    Best Organizational System Used

    “TRO is hands-down the best organizational system I've ever used.”

  • Eric Benson

    Transformed a School—Results Were Miraculous

    “I hired Kevin Crenshaw as a professional organization, time-management, and productivity coach while working as the Director of Education for a small private school for troubled teen boys. The challenges we faced were great. The challenges of running an education program are overwhelming enough. Throw in 30 to 40 openly disrespectful teenage boys and it can seem impossible.Immediately after each coaching session with Kevin, we implemented his suggestions. The results were miraculous. Through the direct implementation of Kevin's advice, we were able to transform our school from a non-accredited program that used paper correspondence courses as our main curriculum to a fully networked computer and internet based school system accredited through the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. I cannot express enough the impact Kevin had on our ability to achieve these lofty goals. The accreditation process took almost two years. It would have been impossible to achieve without the implementation of the techniques I learned from Kevin. He may now know the indirect impact he had on my student's lives, but impact them he did. He helped us structure the foundation upon which we build our school system. He changed the way we organized our projects, choose which tasks to complete each day, and even how we communicated with each other. I am forever grateful to Kevin for the work he has done. I hope to continue to learn from his expertise well into the future. Thank you for all you've done Kevin. Thank you.”