Radically-Effective Productivity

For Leaders and Teams; Fast and Guaranteed.

Reclaim 600 hours per person per year.
Stop the stress & confusion.
Build teams that get it right.
Supercharge meetings overnight.

What would help you most, right now?

Balancing Workload

Feel relaxed control in only 7 hours! (These are typical result)

Reclaim up to 600 hours a year with guided  remote training from a TRO Coach.

Managing Workflow

Get help analyzing and redesigning your workflow to meet your needs.

We find the smallest, smartest changes with the biggest, most immediate impact.

Growing Leaders

Never be tempted to micromanage again! 

Unleash your inner leader and discover how to cultivate self-motivated leaders in your team or company.

 Gain control of your time and tasks. Permanently.

Exciting, fun, using your current workload.


Manage large task loads without breaking a sweat and without missing deadlines, Look like an organizational superstar and enjoy more time  whatever brings you joy. You’ll be amazed at how much lighter and in control you feel after just one day!

  • Larry Pacheco, Jr.

    The Missing Link

    “The missing link and strategy I needed to organize my business. Very simple to use.”

  • Keith Whitworth, Ph.D.

    From "Dread" to "Nearly Stress-Free"

    “I love my job, but I was feeling so stressed that I felt dread about going to work. My stress was carrying over to my family, and my wife wisely intervened by contacting Priacta. I felt confident the TRO system would work because of the professional coach and the step-by-step process.... Now I am nearly stress-free.... I recommend TRO to anyone whose life seems spiraling out of control. I have tried books, instructional DVDs, and workshops, and none of these worked. TRO delivered as promised.”

  • Benjamin Sendrow

    Best Money You Can Spend

    “Kevin Crenshaw has changed my professional life. I am a busy congregational rabbi whose desk was always covered with papers, and whose stress level was always high. Kevin has taught me to be an organized person. My desk is clean and my stress level is down. He is a bargain compared to those providing similar coaching on "getting things done." Factor in the fact that you will succeed with Kevin and Priacta (how much have you spent on books or courses that did not help?) and you'll see that hiring Kevin is the best money you can spend.”

  • Kaitlyn Hunter

    Completely Turned Things Around, Ready to Take on the World

    “Kevin was an amazing guy to work with. He walked into the business I was working for, and instantly took initiative. He welcomed all questions, and offered all the support that is needed from a CEO. He not only stayed professional, but would lighten the mood for anyone when we thought we just couldn't go on, and encouraged everyone to be work at their highest potential. By the time Kevin left, he completely turned things around, and left us all with great hope that we were ready to take on the world. I would be not only overjoyed to work with Kevin again, but it would be an honor.”

  • Debra Dalgleish

    Changed the Way I Work

    “TRO Online Training changed the way I work, and almost three months later, I'm still using the techniques that I learned. The course is based on Getting Things Done.... Well organized and clearly written....”

  • Jim Phipps

    Cuts Through the Blather

    “Cuts through a whole mountain of time management consultant blather.”

  • Eric Krwawecz

    A Reliable System to Purposefully Guide Your Every Action

    “During Kevin's coaching through Priacta he clearly laid out our goals to reach together and was extremely reliable when I would begin to fade from those goals. I would recommend his organizational training not only for those individuals or businesses that are entirely chaotic, like myself, but also for those people that are organized and yet struggle to keep it all together. He'll put in place a reliable system to purposefully guide your every action.”

  • Tahmi DeSchepper


    “It really is empowering to end the day with all of the tasks done, and not having that "what have I missed??" feeling hanging over my head. I think I could get to like this!”

  • Donna Rominiecki

    Never Felt So In Control

    “I have never felt so in control of my tasks. TRO is the best investment you could make for your business and your personal sanity.”

  • Mar Ruiz

    Very Impressive, Extremely Practical

    “I want to congratulate you and whoever else developed TRO for a superb work; it’s very impressive, extremely practical and all details are very well thought out! Great work!”

How can TRO help you reclaim up to 600 hours per year per person?

What would you do with 600 extra hours?

Feel the difference or your money back. Guaranteed.

TRO and NEVERBOSS Hands-Off Leadership are radically-effective and life-changing. They’ll take you and your teams to the next level, fast. We know it, thousands know it, we can prove it, but we want you to FEEL it for yourself. Call us now for advice on where to start. Details of our guarantees are found here.