Essential TRO Coaching



Non-executives needing TRO relief on a modest budget, and who have some time for preparation and self-training.





Get new power over your time, tasks, and life… permanent new habits… all the benefits of our on-site coaching, but no coach ever steps into your office. It’s available no matter where you live, at a fraction of the cost.

Essential TRO Coaching is designed for executive assistants, managers, office staff, and anyone needing Total Relaxed Organization on a modest budget. It’s based on our TRO Online Training system, which prepares you step by step. At the right time, your coach steps in to finalize your initial training and drill you by phone and Internet, answering questions, paying attention to how you work, customizing the system to your needs (1 hour of coaching included).

Afterwards, 21 days of coach follow-up accountability supplement your training, plus access to your coach via Skype for 30 days from the start of training. Your coach follows up, holds you accountable, and retrains or makes course corrections as needed.

  • Brian Booker

    Increases Quality of Life Personally and Professionally

    “Kevin Crenshaw is outstanding in the field of personal and business organization. Kevin utilizes technology to boost efficiency and productivity which ultimately lessens the overall level of stress and increases the quality of life both personally and professionally. Kevin and his team have developed simple concepts that will have a positive impact on myself and all those in my environment.”

  • Ed Wunder

    TRO is GTD++

    “Kevin is an organization and time management Tsunami. His ideas and company have allowed me to regain my sanity when everything seemed to be completely out-of-control. When I try to explain what his technique is at Priacta, I tell my information technology friends that the program is GTD++.Highly recommended.”

  • Rob Peters

    Benefits Far Exceeded Cost and Expectations

    “Kevin has made a difference to me with his deep knowledge of personal productivity and workflow. I have been working with GTD since 2002. Since being coached on Total Relaxed Organization (TRO), Kevin has taken me to a very high level of relaxed productivity in just 23 days. I REALLY Trust my system today. I trust both the process and the reliance on information technology tools. I highly recommend Kevin and TRO for the business executive who wants to succeed with the challenges of business and the opportunities in life. BTW - The benefits have by far exceeded the cost and my expectations. Thank you Kevin!”

  • Roy Lambertson

    Remarkably Comprehensive

    “A remarkably comprehensive time management approach. Kevin's coaching is very effective and he isn't satisfied until the client is. I'm sure we will enjoy the benefits of Kevin's training for years to come.”

  • Tahmi DeSchepper


    “It really is empowering to end the day with all of the tasks done, and not having that "what have I missed??" feeling hanging over my head. I think I could get to like this!”

  • Larry Pacheco, Jr.

    The Missing Link

    “The missing link and strategy I needed to organize my business. Very simple to use.”

  • Jordan Beard

    Revolutionized the Way I Organize Everything I Do

    “Kevin is truly an organizational guru. He has single-handedly revolutionized the way I organize everything I do. I wear a lot of hats and it is not easy for me to keep everything going at the same time. Kevin's training allows me to focus entirely on any single task without worrying about everything looming over my head all the time. It keeps me from becoming otherwise completely overwhelmed to the point of being ineffective. I have used Kevin myself and have other employees and colleagues who are currently training with him. Thanks Kevin!”

  • Shaun Dicker

    Enjoying the Family for the First Time in Months

    “Things are getting done, I'm not stressing, and I'm enjoying a fab weekend with the family for the first time in months!”

  • Donna Rominiecki

    Never Felt So In Control

    “I have never felt so in control of my tasks. TRO is the best investment you could make for your business and your personal sanity.”

  • Jordan McCollum

    Great Coaching.... Makes a Huge Difference

    “Thank you again for all your great coaching.... I have about 550 tasks and I am in control of them.... This is the first time in my career that my office has been so focused and clean. I could actually work in a much smaller office now! Don't tell my boss. What you do makes a huge difference in the lives of those you help.”