A: To process the task for your Federal 1120 form, enter these values:
Subject: Task name: 1120 Tax Form (3/15) – Call Susan for financials 555-1234
(or 1120 Tax form (3/15) – W/F financials from Susan if you already called her)
Major Context: Category: (Work)
Meeting Context: Not needed
1-1 Context: Category: 1Susan
Action Contexts: Category: Calls (unless you already called her)
Soft Date: Start Date: Any date between now and three weeks from now is fine.
Hard Date: Due Date: About 2-3 weeks from now, but no sooner than the soft date. This gives you time to contact her and correct the problem if you haven’t received the financials.
Deadline: (3/15) in the Subject, right after the project name.
Notes: [Deferred] (Optional, to indicate that you put the form into the Deferred slot in your desk trays.)
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