Most TRO views are built-in with Wrike, so you only need to learn where they are. A couple of TRO views require a little setup; these are described in the list below.

Select TRO views by clicking a heading under and in the left menu, or access Wrike’s dashboard view by clicking .

Here is the complete list of Wrike menu headings (tabs) and dashboard widgets that matter for TRO. Use this to get acquainted with the different views. Throughout the training, when you see a green underlined view name (like Someday/Maybe list), click it to be reminded:

  • Dashboard Widgets:
    • TRO Unprocessed Tasks = Unprocessed Task list
    • TRO Hotlist = TRO Hotlist
    • TRO Weekly Review = Weekly Review list
  • Contexts Folder:
    • (Major Context Name) = Major context list
    • Meeting Context Name = Meeting context list
    • 1-1 Context Name = 1-1 context list
    • Action Context Name = Action context list
  • Soft Dates Folder:
    • A-Do Today = Do Today list
    • F-Someday Maybe = Someday/Maybe list