In Remember the Milk, you should have a Smart List (tab) named Daily Review, which you create just for this purpose. This is your hotlist. Look at it each morning during daily review:
Postpone a Task One Day
In RTM, you can postpone a task for one day by pressing “p” with the task highlighted.
- Click the Daily Review tab.
- Look at each item in the list.
- If you will not do it today, and if it has a hard date (Due Date), reschedule the Due Date. (Click the middle of the task to highlight it, type “d” to change the Due Date in the task detail at the right, enter “tomorrow” or some other date.)
- If you will do the task today (“must do” to avoid bad things), flag it as Do Today by setting the Due Date to “today”. (Click the middle of task to highlight it, type “d” to change the Due Date in the task detail at the right, enter the word “today”.)
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