For Exchange Server: IMExchange 2
Install IMExchange 2 from the App Store, then follow these instructions to configure it for TRO:
- Settings. On the main screen, choose Settings, and set the following: Sync on Startup (On), Autosync Changes (On), Default Categories (Off), Default Priorities (Off), Group Overdue Tasks (Off), Default Start Date (None), Default Due Date (None), badge Type (None), Reminder Alerts (On), Reminder Alert Audio (On or Off), Show Tasks Preview (Off).
- Set up the Account. This happens in two steps:
- Make a note of all your iPhone email acount settings for your Exchange Server account. You will find those at: Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Exchange Account Name > Account Info. (If no Exchange account is set up for email yet, set it up on the iPhone first. Go to your email provider’s support page for the settings you need.)
- Add Account. On the IMExchange 2 main page, tap Add Account. Emter the settings you copied from step 1. If you aren’t sure about Exchange version, try 2007 and see if it works. If not, switch to 2003.
- If you have trouble, visit the IMExchange 2 FAQ page.
- Configure the Tasks view. On the main screen, tap Account Name > then tap Tasks:
- Sort. Tap the Sort icon (up/down arrow) at the bottom, then tap Sort by Priority.
- Filter. Tap the Filter icom (question mark ) and choose the options for your current view. Start with these settings for your Unprocessed Tasks list: Show Active Tasks Only, Priority (All), Due On or Before (All), Starts on or Before (All), Show All Categories. Tap Done to save.
- Change the Sort and Filter options as needed to see different task views.
- Sync Manually by tapping the Sync icon at the bottom left (Circular arrow).
- When you know it is working. upgrade to Continual Sync. You will see this option inside the app.
For Desktop Sync: Pocket Informant for iPhone/iPad/iTouch
Install WebIS Desktop Sync. Go to the PocketInformant iPhone/iPad Sync page, scroll to the bottom, and follow the instructions to download, install, and set up Desktop Sync.
Install Pocket Informant for iPhone/iPad/iTouch from the App Store and follow these instructions to configure it for TRO:
Keep It Simple
These settings are simple, but they give you the full power of TRO. Don’t use more complex features of Pocket Informant that don’t sync back to your desktop.
- Tap the Settings icon at bottom right.
- Task Settings. Task Mode: Getting Things Done, Task Tab Badge: None, Context Location: Off, Show Project Stats: Off, Show Completed: All Off. Defaults: Start Date: None, Due Date: None, Task Importance: Medium. Tap Settings at upper left.
- General Settings. Application Badge: None. Tap Settings at upper left.
- Appearance. Tasks: Dim Future Tasks: Off, Tasks: Color Display: Text, Overdue, White #FFFFFF. Tap Settings at upper left.
- Today Settings. next Actions: Off, tasks Completed: Off, Alarms: Off, Contacts: Off. Tap Settings at upper left.
- Sync Settings. Desktop Sync: Enabled (On), Settings: Task Categories Sync As: Tags. Tap Desktop Sync at upper left corner. Tap pair with Desktop to establish sync connection. Tap Settings at upper left.
- Advanced. Allow Alarm Notifications For: Tasks (On). (Events and Informational Off.)
Sorting and Grouping for TRO
You only have limited sort and filter options in Pocket Informant for iPhone/iPad, but you can make it work. Use the All Active list and sort using the Group feature to see your TRO lists. Tap the Tasks icon, then All Active.
Tap the Group icon (three horizontal lines at top right). Underneath it on the white line, FIRST tap Dates, THEN tap Priority. This shows you tasks in smart date order: High priority grouped at the top (Do Today), Low priority at the bottom (Someday/Maybe), with oldest Due Dates (soft dates) at the top of each group. Work down this list from top to bottom.
Note: You only see tasks in this order after processing them (explained in the Processing lessons).
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