Upgrade to Pro Needed
To synchronize your RTM tasks with your Android device you will need to upgrade your Remember the Milk account to a paying (pro) account.
Install the Remember the Milk Android App, enter your login credentials, and then follow these instructions to configure it for TRO.
- Open the left pane by tapping
(top left).
- Tap
(left pane, top left), then set the following options (other setting options are up to you).
- Tap General, then set the following: Start View: Specific Smart List, Smart List: Do Today.
- Tap
(top left).
- Tap Tasks, then set the following: Default List: Inbox, Default Due Date: Never, and Default Sort Order: Priority.
- Tap Default Fields, then check the following: Priority, Due, Repeat, Time Estimate (but you will only enter values for 30+ minute tasks), and Tags.
- Tap
(top left).
- Tap
(top left).
- Tap Reminders, then set the following: Reminder Display: Show in notification bar, Reminder Sound: None, Vibrate: unchecked.
- Tap
(top left).
- Tap Sync, then set the following: Sync Mode: Auto (Sync manually at any time by tapping Menu and selecting Refresh).
- Tap
(top left).
- Tap
(top left).
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