No App Marketplace
Reconsider your choice of phones. Mobile apps are valuable. We recommend a rapidly-growing platform with many, many apps. As of March 2011 that means iPhone, iPad, or Android. A few thousand apps in a proprietary app store isn’t enough.
Ideally, your phone should have an icon on the home page for your online app marketplace. Tap the icon to search your options.
Finding Apps Online
You can also do a Google search for apps that 1) work with your phone, 2) support your primary task list, and 3) are TRO-capable. If you find an app online, see if it is listed in our TRO software list. Download and install it using instructions on the publisher’s site if it is installable, or browse to it if it is a mobile web portal.
Create Icons or Bookmarks for Web Apps
Many new smartphones will let you add icons to the home page, desktop, or web browser. This is especially helpful if you are using a mobile web portal instead of an installed app. Browser bookmarks are usually set using a menu inside the browser itself.
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