In Donedesk, use the following methods for shared projects or large projects of 20 more steps.

Create a workspace for the project. All tasks associated with the project must be assigned to this workspace, though they can be assigned to other tags and workspaces as well.

Create tasks for next steps in the project. Enter these most easily in the blank row at the bottom of the grid, press Enter after each one.

Assign tasks to yourself (“Mine”) when you are ready to do them. Leave them unassigned if you do not want them in your personal task lists. This lets you capture future next steps without cluttering up your working lists. Automatic orphan protection will help ensure that the projects don’t stall.

Private Tasks Are Automatically Assigned

If you add a task to a personal workspace (not shared with anyone), it is automatically assigned to you (active in your lists) unless you specifically create it on the Unassigned tab. This includes tasks added in the grid, from emails, or from the scratchpad. This ensures that new tasks show up on your lists unless you say otherwise.

To unassign these, click your picture in the Assigned To column and choose Not Mine.