In Astrid, you have flexibility is where you create project templates. Here’s how to do it:
To create a template:
- Under Lists (left side of screen), click or add Templates.
- Click the Add a new task… field.
- Enter a name for the project template, followed by the first step in the title field.
- Click the “Add a Task” button.
- Add Next Steps:
- Enter the full list of next steps in the Add a description… field. Enter them in roughly the order you need to do them.
- Click Save.
Using Comments instead of the Description, you can keep different variations of next steps within your project template.
(Optional) To create additional (sub)lists or variations of next steps in your project template:
- Enter an additional list of next steps in the Comments field. Each Comment is a separate list.
- Click the Project Template
- Enter a list of next steps into the Add a comment… field.
- Click the “Post” button.
- Repeat until you add all lists of next steps into this project template.
(Optional) To delete optional lists of next steps (in the Comments):
- Click the “X” button to the right of the next step.
(Optional) To copy a list of steps from a Comment or Description:
- Position to mouse cursor just to the top and left of the first step.
- Click and drag the mouse diagnonally across the list of steps, just past the lower right corner of the list.
- Right-click (command-click on Mac) and select Copy.
- The list is now ready for pasting in a new task Description or Comment.
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