You learned these steps when you configured the All Categories view, so this view can be set up quickly.

  1. Go to the Tasks view (using the Navigation Pane).
  2. Go to the Task view manager.
  3. Highlight All Categories. Copy and rename it “Recent Tasks”. Select This folder, visible only to me (or This folder, visible to everyone if you are using Exchange Server).
  4. Click OK. The view customization window will appear.
  5. Define the list with the following settings:
    • Fields: Complete, Priority, Subject, Modified, Categories, Reminder.
    • Group By: None
    • Sort: Sort items by Modified, Descending, then by (none)
    • Filter: Go to the Advanced tab and click Clear All. Click OK to Save.
    • Standardize the Other Settings.
    • Turn off red highlights.
    • Click OK to exit all the way to the task list.
    • Add a Group By box.
  6. Click OK to save your changes.
  7. Resize the columns as needed.