Create a Someday/Maybe Smart List in Remember the Milk:

Using Remember the Milk’s search box:

  • Copy the following text:
tag:sm AND status:incomplete NOT tag:templates
  • Click the search field (top menu).
  • Paste the text in (top menu).
  • Press Enter.
  • Click (right pane).
  • Enter Someday Maybe (pop-up).
  • Click (pop-up).


Using Remember the Milk’s Smart List creator:

  • Opposite Smart Lists, click (left pane).
  • In the Edit Smart List pop-up:
    • Enter Someday Maybe in the Smart List name field.
    • Click .
    • Change new row to read: Tag, is, then type sm.
    • Click .
    • Change new row to read: Status, is, then incomplete.
    • Click .
    • Change new row to read: Tag, is not, then type templates.
    • Click .