You learned these steps when you configured the All Categories view, so this view can be set up quickly.

  1. Go to the Task view manager.
  2. Highlight All Categories. Copy and rename it Weekly Review. Select This folder, visible only to me (or This folder, visible to everyone if you are using Exchange Server).
  3. In Columns (on the Customize Current View), add a Modified field to the end, then click OK.
  4. In Group By change it to (none) (don’t group anything), then click OK.
  5. In Sort change it to Modified, Ascending, then by (none), then click OK.
  6. In Filter click the SQL tab. Highlight and copy (Ctrl+C) the following text:
    ("{00062003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}/811c000b" = 0 AND "urn:schemas:httpmail:importance" = 1 AND "{00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}/8503000b" = 0 AND NOT "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#Keywords" LIKE '%S/M%' AND NOT "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#Keywords" LIKE '%Templates%')
  7. Paste (Ctrl+V) the text into the blank “SQL” box
  8. If you get an error message when saving the filter, you probably entered something incorrectly. Repeat the steps and try again. Make sure you copy ALL of the SQL text, including quotes and parentheses.
  9. Click OK until you are back in your task list view.
  10. Resize the columns as needed.

Your list, if you have any tasks, should show most-recently-changed tasks at the bottom. The tasks should not be grouped.