If You Assign the Task via Donedesk
Automatic Follow-Up
You can set automatic follow-up options that make sure you get a report—or Donedesk will ask them. When they complete the task, you are automatically notified so you can re-process.
Follow-up steps are automatic if you Assign the task through Donedesk. Do not rename the step. They are marked in your lists, and follow-up can be automatic (or you will be reminded to follow up at the right time, depending on the task). Just Assign, then process at the right time, setting the smart dates to the day you will follow up if they do not report back.
Tasks Assigned Outside of Donedesk
“W/F” = Follow up manually
W/F means “If I haven’t heard back, I’m going to follow up.” It counts as the verb when naming tasks or next actions.
Some tasks can’t be assigned via Donedesk. You can’t use the Assign feature to leave a voicemail message for an important client, but you still need to follow up. Here’s what you do.
Manually make the next step a follow-up step by starting the next step with “W/F”, and assign a 1-1 context if you regularly assign to them. This shows that you are waiting for someone else to complete an assignment. W/F stands for “waiting for,” and it counts as a verb. It is actually shorthand for: “If I haven’t heard back by [smart date], I’ll follow up.”
For example:
Production Plan – Ask Steve to prepare final report
- When you DO this and actually delegate to Steve, change the task as follows:
Production Plan – W/F Steve to prepare final report
If You Hear Back Sooner (Unassigned Tasks)
Most of the time people will report back sooner (especially when people see your TRO skills and know you will follow up). This is what you want! When they report back, immediately look it up in the 1-1 context list, re-process the task, and move to the next step. If you forget to do this, you will re-process when you are alerted.
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