Here are the steps for your weekly review:

  • Click All Tasks (left of screen).
  • Make sure all processed tasks have softdates.
    • Hover your mouse on the box before the task title, or on the task title.
    • A tooltip will appear like “Soft Dates :: This Week“. If it is blank or there is no text before :: it means no soft date is assigned to the task.

Soft Date Indicator

indicator that a task had no softdate assigned to it:

indicator that a task had an assigned soft date:

hint: in the title that looks like: Softdate Category :: Queue Name, Queue Name indicates what softdate was assigned.

  • Adjust softdates as needed, by clicking on the box before the task title, then dragging and dropping to the correct softdate (left of screen).
    • See if you have a large number of This Week or sooner tasks. If so, evaluate why. Do you need to change how you assign soft dates?

Re-Assign Correct Softdates

  • Scan the list quickly looking for neglected or out-of-place tasks:
    • Ignore tasks with hard dates. These are tasks with time identifier tabs.
    • If a task is getting “hot” and needs more attention, give it a hard date with an appropriate soft date. This is the main purpose of your weekly review.
    • If a task is already done, re-process or mark it as completed.
    • If a task is no longer important, set Someday/Maybe flag or delete it.
  • If projects or large projects do NOT have orphan protection:
    • Make sure all active projects have live next steps.
  • Review all tasks shown when This Week, Next Week, This Month, and Next Month Queues are clicked.
  • Review all tasks shown when Weekly Review Queue is clicked.
  • Review dedicated projects when available (up to 3, but only for the HUGE projects, such as building a house).