Using the Strategic Calendar

You now have a plan (your strategic calendar) of how you would like to use your time. Keep your strategic calendar in a place where you can refer to it often. Watch it and learn to notice when the next strategic time block starts.

Create Your Strategic Calendar

You will want to make a fast and simple strategic calendar for your planner. To do this, you are simply going to make a mock schedule for how you generally would like to spend your week. It doesn’t have to be perfect; it simply needs to help you budget time for...

Your Strategic Calendar

After you set up your strategic calendar, print it out and post it prominently in your workspace. You can also print it, hole-punch it, and insert it into your planner for easy reference.

Appointment Reminders

Paper calendars cannot support alarms or reminders, of course, so you need to check your calendar regularly. Make a habit of checking first thing each morning and at the end of each appointment.

Your Calendar 7-Day View

A 7-day calendar view is a great way to manage your day and week at the same time. Your planner’s weekly view should show all the daily calendar columns in a two-page, full week format that meets the other full-day view requirements. However, make sure it is not...