Hard Dates

Check Reminder Setup Check your default reminders settings in Outlook before you schedule your first tasks. In Trog Bar, Do On Date is the hard date. The Reminder Alarm is optional and may be ignored or set (glowing) as a secondary reminder for your most crucial...

Hard Dates

Check Reminder Setup Check your default reminders settings in Outlook before you schedule your first tasks. In Trog Bar, Do On Date is the hard date. The Reminder Alarm is optional and may be ignored or set (glowing) as a secondary reminder for your most crucial...

What the Task Manager Fields Mean

They Are NOT Overdue In TRO, the Outlook Due Date serves a special purpose. It’s the soft date. If the date passes, the task is NOT overdue, you do NOT adjust the date, and you will NOT lose control of the task. Trust us on this! Powerful, short, daily reviews...

What the Task Manager Fields Mean

They Are NOT Overdue In TRO, the Outlook Due Date serves a special purpose. It’s the soft date. If the date passes, the task is NOT overdue, you do NOT adjust the date, and you will NOT lose control of the task. Trust us on this! Powerful, short, daily reviews...

What the Task Manager Fields Mean

They Are NOT Overdue In TRO, the Outlook Due Date serves a special purpose. It’s the soft date. If the date passes, the task is NOT overdue, you do NOT adjust the date, and you will NOT lose control of the task. Trust us on this! Powerful, short, daily reviews...