Viewing Tasks by Context (Mobile)

Select “Contexts” to see major context lists and Tags to see meeting context lists, 1-1 context lists, and action context lists. This works in TaskJot Pro and the slim version of Toodledo ( You need to set up your context views...

Contexts (Mobile)

You can change contexts (Categories) when you edit a task on your Blackberry. A sample categorized task appears to the right.

Contexts (Mobile)

You can change contexts (tags) when you edit an RTM task on your Blackberry. A sample screen from appears to the right.

Install and Configure Your Apps

Nozbe Mobile Web Application On your Blackberry device, access your Nozbe tasks and projects at Make sure you set a bookmark for it.

Install and Configure Your Apps

If you are using Blackberry Enterprise Server, no additional setup is needed. If you have a TRO-capable Blackberry app that syncs with Outlook or Entourage, install it using the publisher’s instructions. Install REXconnect on your Blackberry. REXconnect (at...