Your Someday/Maybe List (Mobile)

Sort by Date or Priority? The built-in Windows Mobile task list can sort tasks by Due Date, or Priority, but not both. Select Due Date to see a “May Do” list in soft date order. Sort by Priority to see your Do Today tasks at the top, unprioritized, with...

Your Someday/Maybe List (Mobile)

Sort by Date or Priority? The built-in Windows Mobile task list can sort tasks by Due Date, or Priority, but not both. Select Due Date to see a “May Do” list in soft date order. Sort by Priority to see your Do Today tasks at the top, unprioritized, with...

Your Unprocessed Tasks List (Mobile)

On your Windows Mobile device, view all tasks without a context to see your Unprocessed Tasks list. Press the Windows button. Click on Tasks. Click or press Menu button at lower right. Select Filter. Select No Categories.