Deadline Dates

Enter deadline dates right after the task name and/or project name. There, they advise but do not control you, like this:    Factory Proposal (4/30) / Verify funding (4/23) The “Verify funding” step has a hard deadline of 4/23 or the final...


Someday/Maybe List GQueues use the Someday Maybe Queue (left of screen) to determine the Someday/Maybe tasks. S/M tasks will remain in the Someday/Maybe view until you remove them from this Queue.

Your Someday/Maybe List

Someday/Maybe List In GQueues, the Someday/Maybe view is the Someday Maybe Queue at the left of screen. Click this to see your Someday/Maybe list.

“Hotlist for Daily Reviews”

In GQueues, view your Hotlist by clicking on the Hotlist Smart Queue the left of screen. Look at today’s tasks and other tasks coming up in the next couple of days. Move tasks that are “must-do-today” to the DO TODAY Queue....