Multiple Contexts

Nozbe uses the (category?) field (multiple values) for all types of contexts and different TRO views. Different context types start with different characters to keep them distinct and grouped.

Assigning Contexts to Tasks

To Create a New Context: Click (Category? field) for that task. Click Populate . with new context name Press Enter. To Assign Context to a Nozbe Task: Click (Category? field) for that task. Select the appropriate context/s. Click When a task already had a context...

Major Contexts

In Nozbe, all types of contexts use Categories. To differentiate a major context from other context types, use names enclosed in parentheses: (Work), (Church), (Home). This makes them stand out at the top of your master context list, so you are reminded to always...

Meeting Contexts

In Nozbe, meeting contexts usually start with +, like +Staff, AllHands, +Managers, +PEC. This makes them stand out as a group near the top of your master contexts list. Use short names.

1-1 Contexts

In Nozbe, 1-1 contexts usually start with 1, like: 1John, 1Sue Smith, 1AmyS, 1AmyW. This makes them stand out as a group near the top of your master contexts list. Use short names.