What Processed Means

To count as processed in Nozbe, tasks need (at least) a major context: (Home) (Work) (Volunteer) etc. and a soft date: This Week Next Week This Month Next Month Someday/Maybe You may also wish to assign some of the following contexts: 1-1 contexts or automatic...

Mark Tasks as Completed

Clean Up Your Lists If you mark tasks as completed instead of deleting them, periodically archive or delete old tasks to keep your lists trim. Marking a task as completed in Nozbe is done by simply clicking (left of the task). Completed tasks are sent to the bottom of...

Set Up the Weekly Review List

Weekly Review List in Nozbe is automatic. All tasks are automatically added in the Inbox while tasks with This Week, Next Week, or This Month context are shown when the appropriate tab (left pane, under Categories) is clicked.

Your Unprocessed Tasks List

To see your unprocessed Task list in Nozbe: Access Inbox by clicking or (left pane). Click (upper right). Click (right pane, top). Click (right pane). Click (pop-up). Access Your Unprocessed List From Nozbe’s Inbox, go to options, then select FILTER click...

Set Up the Unprocessed Tasks List

Unprocessed Tasks List in Nozbe is automatic. All tasks with no contexts are automatically shown when Actions without contexts tab is clicked.