Soft Dates

In Nozbe, soft date is assigned by making use of the following contexts: This Week Next Week This Month To assign a soft date: Click the task. Click (category?) or button with previously assigned context/s. Select a soft date from the list. Click...

Hard Dates

In Nozbe, date? is the hard date. To assign a date: Click task. Click (date?). Select a date from the pop-up calendar. Click .

Deadline Dates

Enter deadline dates right after the task name and/or project name.  There, they advise but do not control you, like this: Factory Proposal (4/30) – Verify funding (4/23) The “Verify funding” step has a hard deadline of 4/23 or the final project...


Nozbe uses the S/M context to determine Someday/Maybe tasks. S/M tasks will remain in the Someday/Maybe view until you remove this context.

Your Someday/Maybe List

Someday/Maybe View In Nozbe, the Someday/Maybe view is the S/M tab under Categories at the left of the screen. Click or (left pane), then S/M to see your Someday/Maybe list.