Your Someday/Maybe List (Mobile)

Sort by Date or Priority? The built-in Windows Mobile task list can sort tasks by Due Date, or Priority, but not both. Select Due Date to see a “May Do” list in soft date order. Sort by Priority to see your Do Today tasks at the top, unprioritized, with...

Your Someday/Maybe List (Mobile)

To see your Someday/Maybe (Low Priority) on your Blackberry: Filter completed tasks and sort your lists. You already did this when you set up this list. (Only required once unless you change something.) Make sure all categories are displayed. Open the Tasks...

Your Someday/Maybe List (Mobile)

Add-On Recommended The native task list for non-Windows Mobile Palm handhelds is seriously limited. Consider a new phone, or maybe add-on software. See Choosing Your Smartphone for more information. If You Are Using Add-On Software If you are using add-on software for...

Your Someday/Maybe List (Mobile)

Your list of Low Priority tasks is your mobile Someday/Maybe List. Configure yout mobile to show all tasks that are not completed. Sort by Priority, and look at all items at the bottom of the list (Low Priority).