Custom Views

Outlook has powerful features for creating custom views into your task list. To show you how to do this (and to support special TRO views) we will customize the built-in Simple List. Then we will create your All Categories list, which is your main, auto-prioritized...

Action Context Lists

Your All Categories view (in the Tasks area) is your main context view. It shows you all tasks for all categories, grouped by category, including action contexts. Right click any category group header and select Collapse All to see all the headers. Click + next to the...

1-1 Meeting Lists

Your All Categories view (in the Tasks area) is your main context view. It shows you all tasks for all categories, grouped by category, including 1-1 contexts. Right click any category group header and select Collapse All to see all the headers. Click + next to the...

Major Context Lists

Your All Categories view (in the Tasks area) is your main context view. It shows you all tasks for all categories, grouped by category, including major contexts. Right click any category group header and select Collapse All to see all the headers. Click + next to the...

Viewing Tasks by Context

Your All Categories view (in the Tasks area) is your main context view. It shows you all tasks for all categories, grouped by category. Right click any category group header and select Collapse All to see all the headers. Click + next to any header to expand that...