Sync Your Mobile Device

You cannot sync your Pocket PC device with Remember the Milk. However, you can use your calendar to see a mobile Do Today list away from the office.

Sync Your Mobile Device

On a Windows Mobile 5 or Pocket PC phone, Remember the Milk is not well supported. However, you can use your calendar to see a mobile Do Today list away from the office. Depending on your device speed and capabilities, you may also access your RTM tasks on a mobile...

Sync Your Mobile Device

With Windows Mobile, you can access your Remember the Milk tasks at No syncing is required, but you will need an active cellular data connection. (RTM’s MilkSync for Windows Mobile is not adequate for TRO because it does not support...

Sync Your Mobile Device

The RTM Android app syncs automatically with Remember the Milk if you configure your mobile device correctly. You will need a Remember the Milk Pro subscription. No syncing is necessary if you access your Remember the Milk tasks at You will need an active...

Sync Your Mobile Device

Install iTunes on your main computer before trying to use your iPhone/iPad/iTouch. If you upgrade to RTM Pro and configure your mobile device correctly, the RTM iPhone/iPad app syncs automatically with Remember the Milk. (If you don’t go Pro, you can sync...