About Notes

In Todoist, future next steps are entered in Notes: Hover mouse on task, then click . Enter notes in the Write a comment field (pop-up, bottom). Click when done.

Quick Collecting Tip

The fastest way to collect tasks into Todoist is its Add Task feature or using a plugin (Gmail and Outlook) to send tasks via email.

What Processed Means

To count as processed in Todoist, tasks need (at least) a major context. Home Work Church other contexts with . and a soft date This_Week Next_Week This_Month Next_Month You may also wish to assign some of the following contexts: 1-1 contexts or automatic delegation...

Mark Tasks as Completed

Marking a task as completed in Todoist is done simply by clicking (left of task title). Completed tasks are automatically archived by Todoist and removed from the Active list.

Recurring tasks

Recurring tasks which will take 30 minutes or more can simply be created as a recurring appointment in your calendar. Otherwise, you can make the task repeat in Todoist: Click task. Click . Type or copy and paste (be careful to highlight everything) the following...