Switching Browsers Saves Money

Switching Browsers Saves Money

​Switching Browsers Saves Money   Switching Browsers Saves Money Nobody likes waiting, but a slow browser is more than a simple annoyance: It’s expensive. Switching to a lightning-fast browser could be worth hundreds of dollars to you. Here’s why: The average...

(Less) Time Tracking for (More) Productivity

Question: For best productivity, shouldn’t we measure all the time actually spent and compare to the time we planned to spend? Answer: No. It works against you. Try this instead… As a productivity coach with years of hands-on experience, here’s what I’ve learned...

The One Thing That Holds Back Your Team

Exactly one bottleneck determines your team’s current productivity. Find it and fix it—even a little—and you’ll see immediate improvement. Something is holding you and your people back. The bottleneck is different for every team, but if you can find and improve...