Creating Tasks from Email

In Outlook Drag and drop the email onto the Tasks icon at the bottom of the navigation bar on the left. A new task opens up with all the information for the email. Using REXconnect on Your Blackberry Using REXconnext We recommend watching the entire demo video for...

Creating Tasks from Email

To create a task from your email, drag and drop it in the [Action] folder for later processing. You can also drag and drop it into Trog Bar for immediate processing (the task window pops out). You should have already created your [Action] folder in Outlook as part of...

Creating Tasks from Email

To create a task from your email, drag and drop it in the [Action] folder for later processing. You can also drag and drop it into Trog Bar for immediate processing (the task window pops out). You should have already created your [Action] folder in Outlook as part of...

Creating Tasks from Email

To create a task from your email, drag and drop it in the [Action] folder for later processing. You can also drag and drop it into Trog Bar for immediate processing (the task window pops out). You should have already created your [Action] folder in Outlook as part of...

Creating Tasks from Email

To create a task from your email, drag and drop it in the [Action] folder for later processing. You can also drag and drop it into Trog Bar for immediate processing (the task window pops out). You should have already created your [Action] folder in Outlook as part of...