Contexts (Mobile)

In Toodledo for Android, you use the Context field (that’s its name) for major contexts, and Tags for meeting contexts, 1-1 contexts, and action contexts.

Viewing Tasks by Context (Mobile)

In Toodledo for Android, you can: View all tasks for a major context: Tap (left pane). Tap (left pane). Tap the upper left button, then the appropriate major context. tap the upper left button tap the appropriate context or View all tasks for any other context: Tap...

Install and Configure Your Apps

Toodledo Startup Page We recommend accessing Toodledo on your Android device using the Toodledo Android app found in the Android Market. It allows offline access and advanced sorting. Installing Toodledo from Google Play To Install Toodledo on your Android device,...

Your Unprocessed Tasks List (Mobile)

Match Your Desktop Solution Use mobile options that match your desktop TRO approach. You will sync your tasks, so you must use the same fields and methods in both places. Mobile task managers have varying methods for supporting Unprocessed Tasks lists. However, the...