“Your Weekly Review List”

Nozbe does not allow a dynamic Weekly Review list, so you’ll have to check three places: The This Week, Next Week, and This Month tabs (left pane, under Categories. The Inbox tab ( or ). Any Dedicated Projects (up to 3, but only for the huge projects in life,...

Daily Reviews

Here are the steps for your daily review: Check your calendar. Open your calendar, review all scheduled appointments for the day, and glance over today’s strategic calendar. (15 seconds.) Clear old APPOINTMENT reminders if you have honored them. (15 seconds.) Go...

“Hotlist for Daily Reviews”

In Nozbe, you could get your “hotlist” by clicking on “this week” or “next week” at the calendar to the right To get your hotlist in Nozbe: Click or (left pane). Click , then the row below the highlighted dates Look at Today’s...

“Set Up Your Hotlist”

Nozbe tasks with hard dates are automatically added into the hotlist (THIS WEEK in Nozbe’s calendar view). Assigning a Hard Date