Categorizing Appointments

Appointment Category? Trog connects appointments with categories to tasks of the same category. Only set appointment categories (contexts) for time slots where you want to see specific task lists (meeting agendas, for example). To categorize an appointment (color and...

Recurring Appointments

Here’s how to create a recurring appointment in Outlook: Pick a time for the appointment to begin (like a start time for work). Right-click on the time you want it to start. A menu will appear. Recurring Appointment. In the window that pops up, set: Start time,...

Smart Appointment Scheduling

To create an appointment, just open your Outlook calendar, double-click on an open time slot, name the appointment, and set the duration. When you record appointments, follow these special TRO rules to budget your time effectively: Name. Appointment names should match...

Opening Your Calendar

You may want to run Outlook Calendar in a separate window by right-clicking the Calendar icon in the Navigation Pane and clicking Open in New Window. This allows you to have both your calendar and task list open at the same time.

Opening Your Calendar

Click the small calendar icon on the top of Trog Bar to open your Outlook calendar. Set the calendar to show the whole week.