Collecting Tasks

Collect tasks into Gqueues: Click Inbox (left side). Click . Populate with the desired task name. Press Enter.

Quick Collecting Tip

The fastest way to collect tasks into GQueues is Add Task feature, sending tasks via email, or creating multiple tasks at once. Know Your GQueues’ Inbox Address and send tasks via email by sending them to this address. Click (top right). Select Settings. Click...

What Processed Means

To count as processed in GQueues, tasks need (at least) a major context. (Home) (Work) (Church) etc. and a soft date This Week Next Week This Month Next Month You may also wish to assign some of the following contexts: 1-1 contexts or automatic delegation tracking,...

Mark Tasks as Completed

Marking a task as completed in GQueues is done by simply clicking on the box to the left of the task title. Completed tasks are automatically archived by GQueues and removed from the Active list. Toggle Active or Archived list by clicking the corresponding button...

Set Up the Unprocessed Tasks List

Unprocessed Tasks List in GQueues is automatic. All tasks with no contexts are automatically shown when Unprocessed Smart Queue is clicked.