“Set Up Your Hotlist”

GQueues tasks with overdue and one week from “now” hard dates are automatically added into the hotlist. View Your Hotlist view by clicking on the “Hotlist” Smart Queue.

Weekly Reviews

Here are the steps for your weekly review: Click All Tasks (left of screen). Make sure all processed tasks have softdates. Hover your mouse on the box before the task title, or on the task title. A tooltip will appear like “Soft Dates :: This Week”. If it...

Smart Dates

In GQueues, smart dates are assigned by: Someday/Maybe = Drag and drop task to the Someday Maybe Queue Soft Dates = Drag and drop task to any of the following Queues: This Week Next Week This Month Next Month Hard Dates = due date. Hover mouse on the task, then click...

Soft Dates

In GQueues, soft date is assigned by dragging and dropping tasks to any of the following Queues: This Week Next Week This Month Next Month To assign a soft date: Hover mouse on the box before the task title. Drag and drop to any Queue listed above (left side of...