by Jason C | Jun 12, 2022
Task managers have different ways of converting emails to tasks. See which of these are available for your tool(s): Send email to task list. (Recommended.) This is popular for online task managers, and it works from any email app. Tasks are created with all...
by Jason C | Jun 12, 2022
In Omnifocus, tasks automatically leave the unprocessed list as soon as they are processed. Your unprocessed list is the list of all actions without a context. Because you have to assign a soft date and a major context to every task, they will leave the list when...
by Jason C | Jun 12, 2022
Enter the very next action in the task name, after the project name, like this: Project – Next Action Fire insurance – call Thomas for quote (555-6765) Only record the very next action...
by Jason C | Jun 12, 2022
Record both the project and the very next action in the task title, separated by a hyphen, like this: Project name / Next Action Cat shots / Call vet 555-1234...
by Jason C | Jun 12, 2022
In Omnifocus, you use the inline-project management, so no orphan protection is needed.
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