Using the Strategic Calendar

You now have a plan (your strategic calendar) of how you would like to use your time. Trog will reinforce that plan: In your appointment list, Trog will show strategic calendar blocks in italics alongside your normal appointments. In your task lists, TaskSense Now...

Create a Strategic Sub-Calendar

Now, inform Trog about your strategic sub-calendar: Go to the options screen in Trog Bar (click [+] near the upper-right corner of the bar). Click on Profile & Folders. Scroll until you find your sub-calendar in the list. Open the drop-down menu to the right of...

Create Your Strategic Calendar

Go to Outlook’s Calendar view (press Ctrl+2). In Outlook, click on File > New > Calendar. On the screen that says, Create New Folder: Click on the existing Calendar file. Type “Strategic Calendar” in the name field. Click OK. In the upper-left...

Create Your Strategic Calendar

Go to Outlook’s Calendar view (press Ctrl+2). In Outlook, click on File > New > Calendar. On the screen that says, Create New Folder: Click on the existing Calendar file. Type “Strategic Calendar” in the name field. Click OK. In the upper-left...

Your Calendar 7-Day View

Outlook’s 7-day view is an unacceptable agenda-style format, so you’ll use the Work Week view instead. just click the Week tab at the top of the calendar, then click Show work week to the right. However, this only shows 5 days a week until you change it:...