Searching for Tasks

Astrid always gives you the option to search for tasks. To do this: Click the Search box at the upper right portion of the screen. Type what you are searching for. Press Enter.

Printing Your Tasks

Astrid supports task printing. To do this: Use Astrid’s search function or use any of your TRO Views. Filter and Sort to arrange the tasks listed. Click the wrench icon (above the list and center of screen). Click Print. Set print options as you wish (left...

Copying Tasks

To copy a task in Astrid: Click on a task. On the right side (Edit task view), click on the title. Highlight the task name. Copy (right click > copy). Place your pointer at the Add a new task… field then Paste (right click > paste). Click the “Add a...

Project Templates

In Astrid, you have flexibility is where you create project templates. Here’s how to do it: To create a template: Under Lists (left side of screen), click or add Templates. Click the Add a new task… field. Enter a name for the project template, followed by...

Flag Tasks as Templates

Designating a task as a Template should remove it from your normal lists with no further action on your part. However, you should still be able to assign contexts to templates if you want. Templates should appear in their own list, as a group. In Astrid, flag your...