Using the Strategic Calendar

You now have a plan (your strategic calendar) of how you would like to use your time. Refer to it frequently, and occasionally show both the normal and strategic calendars by clicking all the calendars so you can see how your appointments match your plan.

Using the Strategic Calendar

You now have a plan (your strategic calendar) of how you would like to use your time. Refer to it frequently, and occasionally show both the normal and strategic calendars by clicking all the calendars so you can see how your appointments match your plan. Make sure...

Using the Strategic Calendar

You now have a plan (your strategic calendar) of how you would like to use your time. Refer to it frequently, and occasionally show both the normal and strategic calendars by clicking all the calendars so you can see how your appointments match your plan. When the...

Create Your Strategic Calendar

Open Google Calendar. Add a new calendar: See the left-hand side, below your current calendars. (Leave the “normal” calendar alone, you use that for regular appointments.) Click on Add. Name the calendar: “(Personal)”. Set the Calendar Time...

Your Strategic Calendar

Be Careful Scheduling Make sure you assign actual appointments to your main calendar, NEVER to any part of your strategic calendar. Your strategic calendar is only for life area time blocks. To see your strategic calendar: Make sure you set up your strategic calendar...